POP Telecom Broadband Reviews

Sometimes the best way to get a feel for a broadband provider is to read what those who are already customers think of the service they're receiving. Below are all the reviews we've received for POP Telecom.

Recent Customer Ratings for POP Telecom

  • Satisfaction
    1.5 stars
  • Customer Service
    1.5 stars
  • Speed
    1.6 stars
  • Reliability
    1.7 stars

Based on 100 customer ratings since 2022-04-02 (Show all time ratings)

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Ratings are left by users of our speed test as well as by reviewers. Recent star ratings summarise the last 12 months of ratings or the last 100 ratings placed, whichever is largest.

322 Customer Reviews over 9 pages

  • Reviewer
    POP Telecom
    I will give no stars. This is a disgrace of a company and should be avoided at all costs. I signed to transfer line over to this company. Was given a direct date of the 1/11/2018. However 7 days before live date which was 22/10/2018 they try and take a payment of more than my monthly bill. I didn't have the funds as I never got enough pay this month due to deaths in family and having to take time off. This company wanted me to borrow money to pay this bill and refused to honour the live date unless I paid. As I couldn't pay they cancelled my order and left me with no phone services and bank charges for unpaid direct debit. All of this on the day I was meant to go live so my old company ceased line as per request. I have emailed and the refuse to answer. I contacted ofcom who say its against rules and regulations not to disclose to me that were taking payment before live date. It all should have been fully explained but it wasn't. So in a way I'm glad this has happened cause they have shown what a disgusting outfit they are.
  • Reviewer
    POP Telecom
    Absolute scam! Avoid at all cost! Customer service is really bad. They keep overcharging me. I have been mis-sold the service. Trustpilot removes all the negative reviews... Do not get involved with them - you'll regret it.

The reviews published on this page are those of the individual authors who have warrantied that they abide by our review guidelines. Reviews are not the opinion of Broadband.co.uk.

POP Telecom are not affiliated with Broadband.co.uk. This page does not constitute any affiliation between Broadband.co.uk and POP Telecom.